Kevin Harrington, known as an original “shark” on the hit TV show Shark Tank, the creator of the infomercial, pioneer of the As Seen on TV brand, and co-founding board member of the Entrepreneur’s Organization— has pushed past all the questions and excuses to repeatedly enjoy 100X success.
-Kevin Harrington
His legendary work behind-the-scenes of business ventures has produced well over $5 billion in global sales, the launch of more than 500 products, and the making of dozens of millionaires. Twenty of his companies have each topped $100 million in revenue.
In this podcast, Kevin shares how he started with zero sales, then skyrocketed to success and a million-dollar enterprise when he learned that closing high-priced products didn’t take more effort than selling products at lower prices. Later, he discovered the world of infomercials and the reason why “tease, please and seize” is the magic formula.
When TV viewership started to drop, Kevin adapted to new ways of marketing. With digital marketing came social media and an abundance of other ways to build publicity and establish a brand. Kevin discusses these in his latest book, Key Person of Influence.
His strong personal brand led to recognition and an invitation to join a panel of sharks on the show, Shark Tank. Investors, called sharks, evaluate pitches and decide whether they want to invest.
Kevin’s been called The Entrepreneur’s Entrepreneur and the Entrepreneur Answer Man, because he knows the challenges unique to start-ups and has a special passion for helping entrepreneurs succeed.